Concierto de las Dendritas/Neuronas (sonidificación de las espinas dendríticas) NEUROINFORMÁTICA/THE CONCERT OF THE DENDRITES/NEURONS-NEUROINFORMATICS (NEWS¡)
20160706 NOTA DE PRENSA Fundación Divina Pastora vídeo el canto de las neuronas (2)
VIDEO El Canto de las Neuronas. Concert of Almus Quartet at Palau de la Música Catalana
VIDEO El Canto de las Neuronas. Javier de Felipe Ponencia/LECTURE
1) Entrevista a Octavio de Juan en Fundación Divina Pastora
2) ver VÍDEO…
Conocer el cerebro a través de la música, Telediario – A la Carta
3) MC El canto de las neuronas. Música y neurología
4) Musical Representation of Dendritic Spine Distribution: A New Exploratory Tool.
Neuroinformatics. 2014 Jan 7. [Epub ahead of print]
Dendritic spines are small protrusions along the dendrites of many types of neurons in the central nervous system and represent the major target of excitatory synapses. For this reason, numerous anatomical, physiological and computational studies have focused on these structures. In the cerebral cortex the most abundant and characteristic neuronal type are pyramidal cells (about 85 % of all neurons) and their dendritic spines are the main postsynaptic target of excitatory glutamatergic synapses. Thus, our understanding of the synaptic organization of the cerebral cortex largely depends on the knowledge regarding synaptic inputs to dendritic spines of pyramidal cells. Much of the structural data on dendritic spines produced by modern neuroscience involves the quantitative analysis of image stacks from light and electron microscopy, using standard statistical and mathematical tools and software developed to this end. Here, we present a new method with musical feedback for exploring dendritic spine morphology and distribution patterns in pyramidal neurons. We demonstrate that audio analysis of spiny dendrites with apparently similar morphology may “sound” quite different, revealing anatomical substrates that are not apparent from simple visual inspection. These morphological/music translations may serve as a guide for further mathematical analysis of the design of the pyramidal neurons and of spiny dendrites in general.
24395057 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
5) The Concert of the Dendrites (or The Song of the Neurons),
was the official launch of this new neuroinformatics tool. This event was hold on October 29, 2014 at the Sede Central del CSIC (Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas – Spanish Centre for Advanced Scientific Research) in Madrid at 7 p.m. with the presence of Her Majesty Queen Sofia. The Almus Quartet will sonified the musicvisuals examples of the selected dendrites belonging to patients of different ages and at different stage of the Alzheimer disease. The presentation was done, by the renowned neurobiologist Prof. Javier de Felipe, as head of our research group.
The Song of the neurons is repeated in Red Sea Hall of Oceanographic Museum of Science Valencia (22/09/2015), Hall of the College of Physicians of Madrid (09.27.15) and the Sala Petit Palau of Palau de la Musica Catalana in Barcelona (1.10.15). In these concerts were premiered the compositions Salute et aetate (Health and age) op.1, Morbo et progressu (Desease and development) op.2 and Salute et morbo op.3 (Health and desease) by Javier Schubert (pseudonym as composer of Octavio de Juan Ayala). These works are the real and practical fruit of Audispine, our scientific tool with a selection of a scientifically significantdendrites of healthy individuals with Alzheimer’s disease in different stages of progress of the same.
El Concierto de las Dendritas (o el Canto de las Neuronas),
SALUTE ET MORBO Op. 3.mus] (1)
A) op.3 Presentación_Presentation
B) op.3 Salute et morbo by J.Schuber(Octavio de Juan)